Asbestos Medicals in Parramatta and Sydney

Asbestos is a serious health threat. We offer a complete medical examination for Asbestos Workers. Get your tested for your peace of mind.

Asbestos Medical Examination at Persona Health

At Persona Health, we provide comprehensive asbestos medical examinations to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals who may be exposed to asbestos in their work environments. Conducted in strict accordance with SafeWork Australia specifications, our asbestos medicals include spirometry and an optional ILO Chest X-Ray, offering a thorough assessment of respiratory health and potential asbestos exposure.

Conducting the Asbestos Medical

Our asbestos medical examinations start with a detailed medical history review and a physical examination. We then perform spirometry, a critical test that measures lung function and identifies any respiratory impairments. Spirometry is essential for detecting conditions that may arise from asbestos exposure, ensuring early intervention and management.

Optional ILO Chest X-Ray

In addition to spirometry, we offer an optional ILO (International Labour Organisation) Chest X-Ray. This radiographic assessment is crucial for detecting asbestos-related lung conditions such as asbestosis or pleural thickening. The ILO Chest X-Ray follows standardized international guidelines, providing a consistent and reliable method for diagnosing asbestos-related diseases.

Regular ILO Chest X-Rays are recommended for workers exposed to asbestos, with frequency depending on the level and duration of exposure. Typically, initial chest X-Rays are conducted before commencing work with asbestos, followed by periodic assessments as recommended by occupational health guidelines.

Importance of Asbestos Medical Examinations

Conducting an asbestos medical examination before working with asbestos is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes a baseline health status, allowing for the detection of any changes or developments in respiratory health over time. Secondly, it ensures that individuals are medically fit to work in environments with potential asbestos exposure, minimising health risks. Early detection of asbestos-related conditions through these medicals can significantly improve outcomes by enabling timely medical intervention and management.

Convenient Locations

Persona Health offers asbestos medical examinations at our clinics located in Parramatta, Rosebery, and Gregory Hills. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to providing thorough and accurate assessments, ensuring the highest standard of care for our clients. Whether you need an initial examination before starting work with asbestos or ongoing health monitoring, our clinics are equipped to meet your needs.

At Persona Health, we prioritise your health and safety, providing comprehensive asbestos medical examinations to help you work confidently and safely in environments with asbestos exposure.

Contact us today to schedule your asbestos medical examination and ensure your respiratory health is protected.

Asbestos Effects on Health

Causes, symptoms and treatment of Asbestos poisoning.

What Are the Symptoms of Asbestosis?

Asbestosis is a chronic lung condition caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos fibres. Common symptoms of asbestosis include:

- Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity.
- Persistent and progressive coughing.
- Chest tightness or pain.
- Fatigue and weakness.
- Loss of appetite and unintended weight loss.
- Clubbing of the fingers (enlarged fingertips).
- Finger or toenail deformities.
- Respiratory complications, such as respiratory failure or heart failure in severe cases.

It's important to note that symptoms of asbestosis typically develop gradually over many years, often decades after initial exposure to asbestos.

If you suspect you may have been exposed to asbestos and are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and management.

How can you prevent developing asbestosis?:-

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to asbestos dust
  • Wear protective masks - NOT PAPER MASKS
  • Wet-down tools and materials to suppress dust
  • Use tools that have dust-collecting attachments
  • Test annually so we can monitor your health
  • Asbestosis is incurable - do everything to minimise risk!
symptoms of asbestosis

Hiring new staff in Construction/Demolition? 

Asbestos and Your Obligations as an Employer

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in a variety of industries for decades. Unfortunately, it can be hazardous to human health if it is inhaled or ingested. Asbestos exposure can lead to serious health problems, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. As such, it is important for employers to ensure that their employees are regularly screened for asbestos exposure.

Employers should consider asbestos health screening for their employees for a number of reasons. First, it can help to identify any potential health risks associated with asbestos exposure. By screening employees, employers can identify any potential health risks and take steps to reduce or eliminate them. This can help to protect the health of their employees and reduce the risk of any long-term health problems.

Second, asbestos health screening can help employers to comply with relevant regulations and laws. Many countries have laws and regulations in place that require employers to screen their employees for asbestos exposure. By conducting regular asbestos health screenings, employers can ensure that they are in compliance with these regulations and laws.

Finally, asbestos health screening can help employers to protect their business. If an employee is found to have been exposed to asbestos, the employer may be liable for any health problems that result. By conducting regular asbestos health screenings, employers can reduce the risk of any potential legal action.

In conclusion, asbestos health screening is an important part of any employer’s safety and health program. By conducting regular screenings, employers can identify any potential health risks associated with asbestos exposure and take steps to reduce or eliminate them. Additionally, asbestos health screening can help employers to comply with relevant regulations and laws and protect their business from potential legal action.

If you are looking for a high-quality Asbestos Medical Assessment service in Parramatta, you should consider visiting Persona Health. We are a team of experienced and qualified professionals who specialise in providing such medicals.

Contact us today to book an appointment or find out more about our Asbestos Medical services. 

The Dangers of Asbestos

If asbestos is contained in a material that is in good condition, it poses little health risk. However, when asbestos products are cut, drilled, water or sand-blasted, asbestos fibres may be released into the environment.

These fibres are extremely harmful if inhaled and could create asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer or mesothelioma.

Around 4000 Australians die every year from asbestos-related diseases, that’s almost triple the national road toll.

Don't let your employees add to that statistic.

Persona Health provides a comprehensive diagnosis and monitoring using a combined ILO Chest X-Ray and pulmonary function test (spirometry) test.

Call 02 8000 1980 to discuss your on-site Health Surveillance requirements and book in your session. 

Working safely with asbestos

Need to get tested for Silicosis?

What Happens During an Asbestos Medical?

During an asbestos medical examination, several steps are typically involved to assess the individual's health status in relation to asbestos exposure. These steps may include:

1. Medical History Review: The healthcare professional will review the individual's medical history, including any known or suspected asbestos exposure, occupational history, smoking history, and any respiratory symptoms or health concerns.

2, Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination will be conducted to assess the individual's overall health, with particular attention to the respiratory system and any signs of asbestos-related diseases.

3. Lung Function Tests: Lung function tests, such as spirometry, may be performed to assess lung capacity and function. These tests help evaluate respiratory health and detect any abnormalities associated with asbestos exposure, such as decreased lung function or restrictive lung disease.

4. Chest X-ray: A chest X-ray is commonly used to detect abnormalities in the lungs, such as pleural plaques, pleural thickening, or fibrosis, which are indicative of asbestos-related diseases like asbestosis or mesothelioma.

5. Other Diagnostic Tests: Depending on the individual's medical history and symptoms, additional diagnostic tests such as CT scans or blood tests may be ordered to further evaluate lung health and screen for asbestos-related diseases.

6. Medical Questionnaires: The individual may be asked to complete medical questionnaires related to their health history, symptoms, and any known or suspected asbestos exposure. These questionnaires help provide additional information for the healthcare provider's assessment.

7. Education and Counseling: As part of the medical examination, individuals may receive education and counseling on the health risks associated with asbestos exposure, preventive measures to minimise further exposure, and recommendations for ongoing monitoring and follow-up care.

Overall, the goal of an asbestos medical examination is to assess the individual's health status, detect any asbestos-related diseases or abnormalities, and provide appropriate medical guidance and management tailored to their specific needs.

It's important to note that an asbestos medical examination should be conducted by a qualified healthcare professional experienced in occupational lung diseases. Regular medical monitoring is crucial for individuals with known or suspected exposure to asbestos to detect and manage asbestosis at an early stage. 

At Persona Health, our team has many years of experience in conducting Asbestos Medicals. Book your employees in today with complete confidence in getting an accurate assessment of their health. 

Asbestos and Your Workers' Health

In Australia, the use of asbestos in residential buildings was phased out by 1990, and in 2003 the importation and use of all forms of asbestos was banned. Exposure to asbestos can cause serious adverse health effects which may include :-

• Asbestosis
• Lung cancer
• Mesothelioma
• Asbestos-related Pleural Diseases (ARPDs)

Health monitoring is provided to workers undertaking asbestos risk work. This will include:-

• Demographic, medical and occupational history
• Physical examination with Spirometry, and, if necessary,
• Chest X-ray/MRI

Health monitoring can be used to help identify whether existing control measures are working effectively or whether more effective control measures should be implemented.

The WHS Laws are regularly reviewed and updated and we will ensure compliance.

In summary, the Asbestos Screening process is as follows:-

ILO Chest Xray for crystalline silica silicosis medical

An ILO-Chest X-Ray should be taken prior to the appointment, or bring your most recent X-Ray Report if less than 5 years old.

Arrive on time for your crystalline silica medical appointment at Persona Health

Arrive at the screening room or clinic 15 minutes before appointment to complete any paper work.

Silicosis lung function spirometry test for a Safework Australia crystalline silica medical

Patient called to screening room.
A lung function (spirometry) test is taken and the Chest X-Ray examined. 45-60 min per person to complete. 

Medical test results are provided to your employer

Final result report provided to the supervisor at the conclusion of the examination. 

Before your employee starts working with asbestos...

Health monitoring for workers is required before the worker starts licensed asbestos removal work and is at risk of exposure to asbestos when carrying out the work.

Initial discussions about a health monitoring program should include:

• possible health effects from exposure to asbestos
• how to recognise and report symptoms, and
• what is involved in the health monitoring program, for example the frequency of testing and the tests that may be needed.

An initial physical examination should place emphasis on the respiratory system, including baseline spirometry.

Asbestos Medicals Sydney

During working with asbestos

Where workers are exposed, suspected of being exposed or are concerned about exposure to asbestos, the employer has a duty to arrange a health monitoring appointment with a registered medical practitioner.

For example, an appointment should be arranged if the worker is carrying out licensed or other ongoing asbestos removal work or asbestos-related work and is at risk of exposure to asbestos when carrying out the work.

Health monitoring should be carried out at regular intervals, for example once every two years. The frequency of health monitoring should be determined by a risk assessment and the significance and frequency of past or future exposure.

Monitoring during asbestos-related or removal work should include administration of the standardised respiratory questionnaire.

It would not ordinarily include respiratory function tests, chest X-ray or physical examination unless clinical indications are present or they are recommended by the medical practitioner.  

Asbestos Medicals Parramatta

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