What happens in a Pre-Employment Medical?

Looking for a new job? You may need to undergo a pre-employment medical before you start. Here's what happens and what you should do to prepare for it.

Looking for a new job? You may need to undergo a pre-employment medical before you start.

What Happens in a Pre-Employment Medical.

A pre-employment medical is a comprehensive occupational health examination that is commonly requested by employers in the recruitment stage. It evaluates several body functions engaged in workplace activities, such as vision, hearing, mobility, and mental health. The purpose of a pre-employment medical is to ensure that you are fit to work in a specific environment and can fulfil the role safely and effectively.

A pre-employment medical may include:

• A health questionnaire, where you fill out a form about your medical history, lifestyle, and current medications.
• A physical examination, where a doctor checks your vital signs, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory function.
• A urine test, where you provide a sample of urine to check for signs of diabetes, kidney problems, or drug use.
• A vision test, where you read letters or numbers on a chart to measure your visual acuity and colour perception.
• A hearing test, where you wear headphones and listen to different tones to measure your hearing threshold and ability to detect sounds.
• A musculoskeletal assessment, where you perform various movements and exercises to test your strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination.
• A psychological assessment, where you answer questions or complete tasks to evaluate your mental health, personality, and cognitive abilities.

Depending on the nature of the job and the employer's requirements, you may also need to undergo additional tests or checks, such as:

• A blood test, where you provide a sample of blood to check for signs of infections, diseases, or immune system disorders.
• A chest x-ray, where you stand in front of a machine that takes an image of your lungs and chest cavity to check for signs of tuberculosis or other respiratory conditions.
• An electrocardiogram (ECG), where you have electrodes attached to your chest and limbs that record the electrical activity of your heart to check for signs of heart problems or arrhythmias.
• A spirometry test, where you blow into a device that measures how much air you can inhale and exhale to check for signs of asthma or other lung diseases.
• A drug and alcohol test, where you provide a sample of saliva, breath, or urine to check for the presence of alcohol or illicit substances.

A pre-employment medical can benefit both you and your employer by:

• Reducing the risk of injury or illness at work by identifying any health issues or limitations that may affect your performance or safety.
• Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory obligations by meeting the standards and expectations of the industry or profession.
• Enhancing productivity and efficiency by matching your skills and abilities with the demands and challenges of the role.
• Improving employee satisfaction and retention by creating a positive work environment that supports your health and wellbeing.

A pre-employment medical is usually conducted by an occupational health provider that has experience and expertise in assessing workers for various industries and roles. The provider will send a report of the results to your employer, who will then decide whether to offer you the job or not. You have the right to give consent for any pre-employment screening and to access a copy of the report if you wish.

If you have any questions or concerns about a pre-employment medical, you can contact your employer or Persona Health for more information.  

Pre-Employment Medicals - what they include.

Our Pre-Employment medical give a general health assessment for a prospective employee. The examination assists with risk management and identifies whether a worker is medically fit for the role for which they are applying.

A standard Pre-Employment medical assessment includes:

• Height and weight, body mass index (BMI)

• Blood pressure

• Medical history questionnaire

• Vision, Peripheral Vision and Colour Blindness

• Hearing test (Audiometry)

• Urinalysis for diabetes or kidney and bladder issues

• Respiratory and cardiovascular test (Spirometry)

• Abdominal check for hernias and other disorders

• Skin check

• Central Nervous System check

• Basic musculoskeletal test (range of motion)

• Doctor review of medical history questionnaire

What happens in a pre-employment medical