Drug and Alcohol Testing in Sydney.

A complete Drug and Alcohol Screening service on-site, in-clinic at  in Sydney, Parramatta, or anywhere Australia-wide.

NEW! Book and Pay for Your Drug and Alcohol Test in Sydney

You can book and pay for your Drug and Alcohol Test in Sydney - or get tested anywhere across Australia through our network.

Fast, simple and discreet.

Your Result certificate (upon negative) is signed by a doctor. Nobody else knows the result but you.

Get instantly tested at our clinics in Parramatta, Alexandria and Gregory Hills, or at a pathology collection room near you.

Instant Urine Drug Screening and Alcohol Breath Testing just $110 inc GST

Pathology room collection with Laboratory Drug and Alcohol Screening just $165 inc GST.

Need Chain-of-Custody? We can do that too! Please note that a non-negative result will require a confirmation test at an additional $165 inc GST.

All major credit cards accepted.

Drug Testing in Sydney

On-Ste Drug & Alcohol Screening

Persona Health offers a fast and effective on-site drug screening service, where one or more nurses can come to your premises and test your employees for drugs and alcohol.

We will ensure your program is compliant with Australian Standards and adheres to your Drug and Alcohol policy by confirming the following details prior to coming out to site:-

• You have a current Drug and Alcohol Policy and understand how to handle any issues on the day such as non-compliance or a non-negative result.

• You have selected the tested method that adheres to your Drug and Alcohol policy (Saliva or Urine) or guide you to the most appropriate method for your needs.

• You have compliant facilities available for testing and they are set up appropriately for the collector ahead of time. 

Call 02 8000 1980 to discuss your on-site Drug and Alcohol Testing in Sydney requirements and book an on-site visit.

On-site drug and alcohol testing in Sydney and Parramatta

Drugs and Alcohol have no place in your business.

Why Testing Your Employees for Drugs and Alcohol is Important

Drugs and alcohol can affect a person's ability to work safely and productively. They can impair a person's judgement, coordination, concentration, reaction time, and mood. They can also increase the risk of injury, illness, absenteeism, and compensation claims. This can have negative consequences for the worker, the employer, and the workplace as a whole.

As an employer, you have a legal obligation to ensure the health and safety of your workers and others at your workplace. This includes managing the risks associated with drug and alcohol misuse. One of the strategies you can use to manage these risks is sending your employees for drugs and alcohol testing in Sydney.

Testing your employees for drugs and alcohol can help you to:

- Detect and deter drug and alcohol use in the workplace
- Identify and support workers who may have a drug or alcohol problem
- Prevent or reduce accidents, incidents, and injuries caused by drug or alcohol impairment
- Enhance productivity, efficiency, and quality of work
- Improve employee morale and wellbeing
- Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
- Protect your reputation and image

However, testing your employees for drugs and alcohol also involves some challenges and limitations. You need to consider:

- The legal framework and standards for drug and alcohol testing in Australia
- The types and methods of testing available and their accuracy and reliability
- The costs and benefits of testing and who will bear them
- The privacy and confidentiality of your workers and their test results
- The consent and cooperation of your workers and their representatives
- The policies and procedures for conducting testing and handling positive results
- The education and communication strategies to inform your workers about testing
- The support and assistance services to help your workers with drug or alcohol issues

Therefore, before subjecting your employees for drugs and alcohol testing in Sydney, you should consult with your workers, their representatives, your industry regulator, and your legal adviser. You should also develop a clear and comprehensive drug and alcohol policy that outlines the purpose, scope, process, and consequences of testing. You should communicate this policy to your workers and provide them with training and awareness on drug and alcohol issues.

Testing your employees for drugs and alcohol can be an effective way to manage work health and safety risks. However, it should not be the only or the primary strategy. You should also implement other measures to prevent or minimise drug and alcohol misuse in the workplace, such as:

- Providing a safe and healthy work environment that reduces stress and fatigue
- Promoting a positive work culture that values respect, diversity, and wellbeing
- Encouraging a responsible attitude towards drug and alcohol use among your workers
- Offering flexible work arrangements that accommodate personal needs and circumstances
- Providing access to counselling, rehabilitation, or other support services for your workers

By taking a holistic approach to drug and alcohol management in the workplace, you can protect your workers, your business, and your community from the harms of drug and alcohol misuse. 

Why should I get a drug and alcohol test in Sydney?

You should get a drug and alcohol test if you are an employee or a potential employee in a workplace that requires or offers testing. Testing for drugs and alcohol can have many benefits for you, your employer, and your workplace. Here are some of the reasons why testing is important:

- Testing can help you to ensure your health and safety at work. Drugs and alcohol can impair your judgement, coordination, concentration, reaction time, and mood. They can also increase the risk of injury, illness, absenteeism, and compensation claims. By testing for drugs and alcohol, you can avoid working under the influence and prevent harm to yourself and others.

- Testing can help you to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. Some industries and professions have specific standards and expectations for drug and alcohol use. For example, some transport, mining, aviation, and maritime workers have a legal blood alcohol limit or are prohibited from being affected by any drugs. By testing for drugs and alcohol, you can demonstrate your compliance and avoid penalties or sanctions.

- Testing can help you to enhance your productivity and efficiency at work. Drugs and alcohol can affect your performance and quality of work. They can also cause fatigue, anxiety, depression, or delusion. By testing for drugs and alcohol, you can ensure that you are fit and capable to do your job and meet the demands and challenges of your role.

- Testing can help you to improve your morale and wellbeing at work. Drugs and alcohol can affect your behaviour and mental health. They can also create conflict, distrust, or resentment among your co-workers or managers. By testing for drugs and alcohol, you can show your responsibility and respect for yourself and others. You can also access counselling, rehabilitation, or other support services if you have a drug or alcohol problem.

Testing for drugs and alcohol is not meant to punish or discriminate against you. It is meant to protect you and your workplace from the harms of drug and alcohol misuse. Testing can also help you to identify and address any drug or alcohol issues that may affect your life.

If you have any questions or concerns about drug and alcohol testing in your workplace, you can contact us for more information.

Drug and alcohol testing in Sydney

What happens if I test positive for a drug test in?

So you took an instant urine drug test and it shows 'non-negative' (we don't call it 'positive' because urine tests are not infallible).

Don't worry, we don't judge - and your result is kept strictly confidential.

It is possible that some legitimate medication you are taking might trigger the non-negative result, in which case a Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry test should be performed to determine the exact substance found.

If your employer or prospective employer has ordered the test, then we are are obliged to inform them of the fact you tested non-negative.. 

If you ordered the test for yourself, then nobody else will ever know.

Remember, testing for drugs and alcohol is a means to protect you and your workplace from the harms of drug and alcohol misuse.

What happens in a pre-employment medical

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