Paramedical Services in Sydney

We tried for the longest time to create a paramedical service in Sydney. The reality is, it's just not economically viable to have paramedics standing by for workplace injuries.

So we have done the next best thing! We call it InjuryQR.

Best of all - it costs you nothing!

Paramedical Services in Sydney

We wanted to create a paramedical service in Sydney, but the economics of it just didn't add up.

Instead, we created InjuryQR - an alternative, rapid response service that calls 000 for an Ambulance when really needed.

This offers many benefits:-

• A pragmatic approach to workplace injuries

• Care as needed with Certificates of Capacity

• Rapid access to a doctor

• Reduced LTIs and WC Insurance premiums

• A service that is free to use!

Visit for more info.

Paramedical services in Sydney from Positive Health Group

Paramedical Work Injury Response Service

Persona Health introduces a Work Injury Response Service (WIRS) following consultation with industry clients and employers. The WIRS program offers employers a structured, rapid, and effective approach to safeguarding the Work Health and Safety (WH&S) of their employees. Developed with both employer and employee needs in mind, this service aims to swiftly and efficiently manage workplace accidents and injuries.

Persona Health's WIRS program operates 24/7, ensuring that workers receive optimal care early in the injury cycle, and is designed to significantly reduce Lost Time Injury (LTI) rates.

In 2015, WorkCover made a commitment to simplifying and enhancing transparency in Workers' Compensation premiums for businesses in the state. These reforms aimed to streamline insurance management, provide premium certainty, support employers and their safety initiatives, and reward recovery and return to work opportunities. 

The Persona Health WIRS program aligns closely with these reforms, prioritising employees within any workplace injury management system. By offering early intervention support, the WIRS program empowers employers and employees to effectively manage occupational injuries and illnesses, facilitating safe recovery at work.

According to WorkCover, prolonged absence from work decreases the likelihood of return. Fast recovery through work promotes quicker recuperation and reduces the risk of long-term disability, benefiting both employer and employee.

The Persona Health WIRS program is designed to:
• Initiate assessment and triage of injuries upon report
• Stabilise injured workers on-site using fully equipped ambulances
• Accompany injured workers to consultations with primary healthcare providers or hospitals to offer guidance on suitable duties
• Document injury processes comprehensively through patient care records
• Collaborate with WHS managers and Return-to-Work Coordinators to facilitate prompt employee return to work.

The benefits to both employees and employers include:
• Reduced lost time injuries
• Lower worker compensation premiums
• Thorough case documentation
• Elimination of the need for managers and co-workers to accompany injured parties to medical facilities
• Increased likelihood of suitable duties being offered by treating doctors
• Enhanced employee peace of mind through additional employer support during injury occurrences
• Provision of medical escort to medical appointments where appropriate.

Paramedics in Sydney

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